

TACTICAL PERIODAZATION: MOURINHO’S BEST-KEPT SECRET?「戦術的ピリオダイゼーション:モウリーニョの秘密とは?」翻訳記事vol.2















 "Our daily concerns are directed to make operational our game model. However, the structure of the training session and what to do each day is related not only to tactical objectives, but also with the physical fitness component to be privileged.” (Mourinho, in amieiro et al., 2006)




Fig.5 一般的な週間サイクル(オリベイラ、2007年)cf.モルフォサイクル











This principle relates to the necessity of maintaining a regular and fixed weekly pattern respecting the alternation in the training-recovery demands (Amieiro et al., 2006). The Principle of Horizontal Alternation in Specificity highlights the importance and relevance that Tactical Periodization gives to the physiological dimension, contrary to the unfounded misconception that this dimension is forgotten and not trained. In a simplistic manner, the three main training (acquisition) days (see Figure 5) in the week will alternate the physical fitness component (we are here assuming that the team is playing one game per week).

This is done by either prioritizing strength (first acquisition day), endurance (second acquisition day) and speed (third acquisition day) factors. Thus, no two days within a given week are demanding the same physical fitness component. The main goal is to avoid a large amount of the same physical fitness component stressed the day before, giving the body time to recover. Recovery would take place, at least partly, by switching the dominant physical fitness component throughout the week. This alternation in the physical fitness components to be prioritized is said to occur horizontally along the weekly pattern rather than between exercises within the same training session (vertically). The tactical goals of each training day may vary in accordance with the specific needs of the team, but the physical fitness component used on a given day of the week will remain the same. Thus, it can be said that for Tactical Periodization, the physiological dimension provides the biological framework where the soccer-specific training/recovery continuum lies.





“Training is worth it only when it lets you make your ideas and principles operational. Thus, the coach has to find exercises to guide his team to do what it is intended to do in the game.” (Mourinho, J. in gaiteiro, 2006)




Fig.6 制限付き実行の原則

Phsiological Dimention:身体的次元

Type of physical fitness component,Level of Intermittency(work recovery rate):身体的構成要素、インターバル間隔(運動回復率)

Tactical/Technical Dimension:戦術/技術的次元

Density of predominant motor behaviors:優位な動きの密度


When the aim is to teach or improve a particular principle or sub-principle of a game model, the best way to do it is to create appropriate exercises. Then, if we are interested in certain behaviors related to a given principle of play, we should make them appear more often than others in the exercise. As such, the requested behavior has to appear more frequently than during the formal game, enabling players to create mental images about the desired target. Thus, the configuration of the exercise (e.g., playing space, number of players, rules, objectives) must promote the appearance of the required behaviors, what are called “conditioned practices” (see Figure 6). For example, setting up an exercise where a team’s defensive sector is under-loaded and is constantly defending will make behaviors related to its defensive organization emerge. Then, there will be many opportunities for coaches and players to “shape” these behaviors.






“Since the very beginning, the principles and sub-principles of our game model are privileged through a set of exercises. But the best way to convey our ideas is by lowering the complexity through reduced games.” (Mourinho, J. in Fernandes, 2003)



This principle relates to the hierarchical organization of the principles and sub-principles of play. it has nothing to do with a general to specific progression, from volume to intensity. For Tactical Periodization, the concept of progression is built around the acquisition of a certain way of playing. This progression appears at three different levels of complexity: during the season, throughout the week (taking into account the last game and the next one) and finally during each training session, thus becoming a complex progression where each level is related to the others.

According to Frade (2004), at the early stages of the training season we should introduce the general principles of play (related to four moments of the game—defensive organization, offensive organization, transition defense-attack and transition attack-defense). if players know and can explain when to apply the principles of play relative to each moment, it will be easier for them to assimilate the specific principles that each coach has in a game model. in a second phase, we will work on the specific principles of “our” model of game. at this stage we can distinguish two moments. The first: the defensive organization of the team, which we will begin to work with. according to Tactical Periodization, it is preferred to focus first on defensive organization, because by having a good defensive balance the team will gain confidence and consistency, enabling coaches to progress into other game situations (defending properly to attack even better). in addition, to defend is “easier” than to attack. Then, coaches will move to more complex behaviors, such as the offensive organization. The transitions are key in soccer, so coaches should try to train them from the beginning. They will obviously be linked to the team’s defensive and offensive organization.

To understand the entire logical structure, we should link the Principle of complex Progression to the Principle of horizontal specificity alternation. we refer to a “building up” and “disassembly” of the principles and sub-principles and their hierarchy inside the weekly plan and over weeks according to the evolution of the players and the team. This methodological principle has two levels of planning which interact with each other, the short-term (game to game) and medium- and long-term (style of play/game model).








“I do not want my team to have peaks in performance. I do not want my team to swing performance. Rather than that, I prefer to keep always high levels of performance. This is because to me there aren’t periods or games more important than others.” (Mourinho, in amieiro et al, 2006)




Fig.7 選択可能性内の水平展開とパフォーマンス安定化の原則の相互作用(オリベイラ、2007年)


The concept of performance from a conventional viewpoint is normally based on a set of quantitative-oriented criteria based essentially on the physiological dimension. Planning and periodization in soccer are vital to the concept of “performance stabilization,” derived from its long competitive period. From this perspective, “being fit” is to “play well.” And “play well” is to carry out the on-field duties in accordance with the game model that is intended. The basis of collective and individual performance is the organization of the team, which is the fundamental objective to be maintained. Thus, what really matters is that a team regularly demonstrates a quality of play (despite minor fluctuations) to guarantee regularity in the results.

The stabilization of the level of optimum performance is achieved through the establishment and maintenance of the standard weekly plan (see Figure 7). Thus, over the season, a weekly dynamic regarding training contents, recovery schemes and the number and length of training units remain almost invariable. Soccer performance and training cannot be separated from the competition and the game. It must be translated in terms of play, a quality instead of quantity approach, working always on offensive and defensive actions and the dynamics, which allow the connection of these two moments. By working such way, the methodological Principle of Stabilization is respected.






“Concentration needs to be trained. It can be done by training according to a specific philosophy. I cannot dissociate training intensity with the concept of concentration. When I say that soccer is made by actions of high intensity, I also refer to the need of permanent concentration; it is implicit to the game.” (Mourinho, in amieiro et al, 2006)



Fig.8 マネージメント要素とトレーニング複雑性のマネージメント

 Excercises complexity:トレーニング複雑性

 Principles complexity:原則複雑性

Number of players:プレーヤー数

Space size:スペースの大きさ

Tactical-Technical Predominant Actions:戦術的-技術的な優位的アクション

Length of Time:強度時間

Level of Intermittency:断続性レベル

Emotional Load:感情的負荷

Preference of Muscular Contractions:筋収縮の選択


Soccer players’ peak performance requires a constant tactical thinking, both in game and in training. Players must concentrate. The development of a tactical attitude presupposes the development of an attitude to think and decide quickly. The mastery of specific techniques and the capacity for tactical decision-making depends on their suitability to the situation of a game. That means high levels of concentration from the first to the last minute of the game are essential. Therefore, the intensity is not an intangible concept; it is directly related to the principles and sub-principles of play, which, when trained through well-designed exercises, will lead a player’s future actions and thoughts. The more variables to be analyzed for the players during the execution of training exercises, the more demanding and intense will be the situation (Frade, 2003).

Intensity will be different from day to day, as the complexity of training sessions varies (see Figure 8). We can exemplify the concept of relative maximum intensity as follows: A team played on Sunday, so the player on Monday and Tuesday is not fully recovered physically, mentally or emotionally. To be able to overcome all the challenges that Tuesday training session can require, the player should be working at a maximum intensity of concentration.

That maximum intensity, however, will not be enough to overcome the increased complexity (and intensity) that the training tasks will demand on Wednesday and Thursday (a player’s recovery level from the game is higher, too). Therefore, from Tactical Periodization, the intensity is always maximal in terms of concentration, but relative to players’ recovery and readiness to train.

The higher levels of concentration during the training exercise, the less chance to make mistakes. A high concentration provides a higher degree of learning. Consequently, coaches should always seek the maximum concentration in training.








